Please see Fee.

Why does no one reply to messages over weekends?

Coop does not work over the weekend.

When does the timeframe start?

As soon as one of our staff begins working on your order.

How soon does Coop get to my order(s) after submission?

Usually within 2 business days but may be more during holiday seasons or staff having personal issues to deal with.

Who do I give labels to?

Give it to the bot or Orpheus.

Who should I message for order update?

For non-electonic stores:

  • Message Agaros to follow up on your pending order(s).

For electonic stores:

  • Message Orpheus to follow up on your pending order(s).

Return window is about to close but I still have not received a refund.

Please return it before it closes. Your finance takes priority and don’t trust refunders’ words when they say it will get done. As a hard-and-fast rule, if the refund fails, it costs almost nothing to the refunders but you will bear the consequences for it.

Will I be able to return if refund fails?

Yes, you will be able to. You need to make sure that the return window has not passed.

Do I get my fees back if I get rebilled?

No, Coop used to be able to honor such requests, but time has changed.

Will there be a carrier investigation?

If a store may result in a carrier investigation, it will be listed or tagged in the said store page.

Why does it matter?

  • Carriers such as UPS and Fedex will not deliver to your address anymore if there are too many investigations (2+), and you will have to pick up every package addressed to your address.

  • Your roommates or family will find out what you are up to because carriers may come and knock on the door to speak to you.

Do I need to do anything after submission?

No! Please don’t start a return or whatever on your own. If Coop Staff needs something from you, our staff will reach out.

Can I try custom stores or designer stores?

Yes, with a fee of 15% or $50, whichever is more.

One exception when Coop Team is actively looking for someone to test a store; in that case, the fee will be just 5% or 50 dollars, whichever is more.