Fee Policy

Once refund confirmation (that is, refund email) is received, unless otherwise specified, the customer is obligated to pay the maximum between:

Non-Electonic Orders

  • 8% of the order total after tax.
  • $50

Electronic Orders

  • 15% of the order total after tax.
  • $50

The customer will be given 3 business days to pay, and for those failed to pay, refund will be reversed and customer reported.

How to Pay

Coop Team currently only accepts crypto currency as a form of payment. This is non-negotiable.

The following addresses are valid until 01/31/2024.







If you’d like to pay with other form of crypto currency, please contact Coop Team via Telegram.

How to Show Proof of Payment

Please have the TXID (Transaction Hash ID) handy and show it to the Coop Team.